"Marked by audacious narrative twists and gorgeous camera
work, The Ballad of Snake Oil Sam is an adventurous work of cinema. Arlene Bogna's desert steampunk fantasy features moments of surreal humour and memorable images, pushing the road trip genre to personal depths and virtuosic aesthetic heights."
~ CineWomen Cahiers
"When I spoke to Arlene Bogna, the director/creator, I was completely taken back by her passion and her inner nerd-dom (in a very good way). She's the type of director that will blow the roof off the industry and completely reshape the way independent filmmakers see the craft. Arlene tells the story like she wants to see it and, by God, that's the Indie Spirit."
~ Justin Kincaid
Film Fervor
"Arlene is a creative spirit, a female film director who wants to the push envelope."
~ Tom Inglesby
Markee 2.0 Magazine
"Arlene Bogna has surely made her mark with this brilliant and surreal film that tells a wonderful story completely and solely visually."
~ Geoffrey Maingart
The Hollywood Times
Press List
MovieMaker Magazine, Stage 5 Interview, NewFilmmakers LA
Women Directors Showcase, August 2016.
CineWomen Cahiers, “Arlene Bogna”, November 2015.
COVER STORY: Applaud Women, "Inspirational Women:
Arlene Bogna", by Cristina Staltare, Spring Issue, 2015.
Film Fervor, "Arlene Bogna", by Justin Kincaid, May 21, 2015.
Markee 2.0 Magazine, "Snake Oil Sam: Diversity In Action", by
Tom Inglesby, Fall Issue, 2014.
The Hollywood Times, "The Ballad of Snake Oil Sam", by
Geoffrey Maingart, August 23, 2014.
Success Stalkers, Ioana Garrett interviews writer/director
Arlene Bogna, Ep. 60, September 30, 2014.
Fanboy Comics, "Dances With Films 2014: 'The Ballad of
Snake Oil Sam'", by Steven W. Alloway, June 2014.
YOUnique - Susan Stackpole's Internet Radio Interview with
Director Arlene Bogna, June 9, 2014.
Influx Magazine, “Dances With Films 17", by Paul Booth,
June 18, 2014.
LA Arts Examiner, "17th annual Dance with Films Festival
starts this weekend", May 28, 2014.
The Wrap, "Dances With Films Announces 2014 Lineup,
Distribution for Award Winners", May 2014.
Home Planet News: A Literary Magazine, "Indian Dance"
(fiction) written by Arlene Bogna, 2012.
NBC Newsletter, "Marketing Award Win for Bertolli", May 2011.
Backstage, "Who Got the Part" by Nia Renee Hill, Jan 2009. ArtScene, "Arlene Bogna and Barbara Blatt" by Suvan Geer,
July 2008.
Los Angeles Times, "The List" Critic’s Preview by Christopher
Knight Times Art Critic, July, 2008.
Los Angeles Times, "The List: Art Openings" Compiled by
Grace Krilanovich, June 19, 2008.
Metromix,"Art attack: Arlene Bogna's Safari" by Kimberly Waid
and Alie Ward, June 18, 2008.
AWBW Artist Spotlight, "Arlene Bogna", June 2008.
SCWCA, "Women Around Town" By Suvan Geer, June 2008. ExperienceLA, "The Hot List" July 15, 2008.
Moving Pictures Magazine, "Arlene Bogna's Canvas" by
RaeAnne Marsh, July 2007.
DCA Connections, "Women In Film wins award for artistic
collaboration w/AWBW", Jan 2007.
Focal Points, Sierra Club Camera Committee Newsletter, 2006. (photo credit)